Time to Rewrite the Rules: Being “Normal” is Overrated

Time to Rewrite the Rules: Being “Normal” is Overrated

In today’s day and age individuality is welcomed. Today’s millennials are less into stereotypes. They don’t want to live by the books. They want to rewrite them. Honestly, we should learn something from these youngsters. Stepping away from the expected rules of the game is interesting. You should not have to do the same thing in the same way like everybody else. Do what everyone else is not doing. That’s when you will start inspiring people. That’s when you become a leader. That’s when you become the new normal – someone other people want to follow.

Create your own Normal

Technology has made our lives so much easier it’s unbelievable. Did you know you can buy a 3D pancake maker that prints edible images and shapes of anything fun you want to eat as a pancake? Henceforth, we should not stop and be in awe of what technology can do for us. We should, however, have people in awe of what we can do ourselves and with technology. For instance, the creation of that 3D pancake maker was inspired by an actual chef who would make edible pancake faces of celebrities.

The art and music industry has much to learn and much awesome innovation awaits its creative productions. But, potential can be had by anyone or any industry, but only a few turn this into kinetic energy and move on to the mastery level. So, never be “normal” about going after what you want. Put in the work, go the extra mile and never be afraid of doing overtime when investing in yourself. Indie music artists need to be “abnormal” in their approach to music, music videos and acting. What about playing mix and match with new fresh beats. Or being lyrical physicists who drop synonyms in songs that have everybody listening saying “Oh shit! That’s so cool! How did he/she think of putting those two things together.”

Social Media’s response to Normal

Social media has given everyone the ability to share their reactions and feelings about issues with the wider world. You would have thought this would bring everybody together. But, it has not. It has sadly opened people up to criticism, judging from others with different upbringings, and hate. This is why being normal is overrated. Whatever you do people are going to have an opinion or even choose to see the negative in what you do. At the end of the day, just be yourself! There is someone out there that is okay with this “abnormal” lifestyle – YOU. Thus, you should happily continue to be you.


Last views on normal……..

Doing what is expected is expectedly boring. That is why you do not do the expected. You do things differently because you want to. And that is the important thing and the only thing that matters – you choose to be that way. Notice! We never once said break the rules, we said rewrite them. Rules are created by humans for humans which means we, humans, can also change those rules to better suit ourselves and our situations. So do yourself some justice and rewrite a few rules in your life and see what becomes of it. What do you have to lose?

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