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Your Online Business Solutions Are In High Demand…

But the majority of your potential clients have no idea how you can assist them. PATV Media helps you create that awareness through artistic content creation and marketing based on professional graphic design, illustration and branding services that capture your target audience.

Here Is The Catch

How You Present Your Business Is How Your Clients Perceive You.

Unless your potential clients and overall target audience are 100 percent certain about what problems you can help them solve, why they need to fix it, and why they should select you to fix it, you stand the chance of losing their trust and getting no deal.

With PATV Media’s creative design services and content creation, you will get digitized and optimized content that provide value, attract your target audience and grow your business…everything custom designed to match your brand's needs and delivery system for in-person, print, digital and web design.


Our Customized Services

PATV Media offer customized digital design and creative services in the following order:

➲➲➲ Illustration – visually appealing illustration that gives your business its own unique presence,

➲➲ Graphic Design — with state-of-the-art vector rendition that ensures flexibility across your business and delivery systems,

Content Writing – virtually communicating your content to your target audience through the most sophisticated approach to creative writing,

Web Design & Development — that tells your brand’s story, capture your target audience and inform prospects about your business potentials.


Why choose PATV Media for Your Brand & Content Services?

When it comes to brand development and content marketing, everyone appears to be doing it. But only a few are doing it well. PATV Media can help you:

➤ With a team of highly qualified professionals lead by Pat Fraser, a college graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design,

➤ Certified expertise in social media marketing and management,

➤ High-level experience spanning more than a decade,

➤ Develop a content marketing plan that works,

➤ Analyze and ascertain the market place to enhance competitive advantage,

➤ Research and define your target audience,

➤ Create and optimize the best content for that audience,

➤ Further analysis, monitoring, and optimizing your established content market plan, and

➤ Create a sustainable and repeatable digitize marketing process that will grow itself.

Each of the points mentioned above is driven by our artistpreneurship (expertise exhibited by artistpreneurs), and are combined to work synergistically to produce one unique, powerful marketing tool for your business.





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True art is not only unique and aesthetically pleasing but it is uncompromising and unapologetic in nature. Political correctness hinders creative genius.

Speaking of creative genius, that’s what you’re looking for to solve your business’s problem. You’re not just looking for someone who is good at art. A lot of people are good at art. Good isn’t good enough. You can go anywhere and get good design. You can even get good design for cheap, but will that solve your problem? This is a serious question.

Anyone can do graphic design, illustration, web design, branding and marketing but will those people provide solutions that will help your business? Real solutions that make your business stand out and create positive long-lasting effects only come from creative genius.